Thursday, June 18, 2009

sobbing, crawling and sweating

We took the kids to have their pictures taken at JC Penney on Tuesday. Mike had the day off and I have been feeling bad about not having their pictures done at a real studio in awhile. I try and try to take pictures of them together in cute clothes, smiling at the camera but I can't get it done. I was sure the professionals at good ol JC Penney would have great tricks up their sleeves. I was planning on taking home beautiful smiling pictures of my adorable twins.

Instead . . . Maguire sobbed, Keller crawled out of every shot and I was a sweaty mess trying to keep them happy and on the designated white sheet. Mike was technically "on call" so he was chatting on his cell phone during most of the madness.

We finally gave up and I resolved to forgo studio pictures until they can be bribed.

The girl got a few cute shots and of course I bought several sheets (all of our suffering couldn't go undocumented) If you want to see them go look here



Holly said...

Jocelyn, those pictures are totally adorable! But I could totally picture your stress and agree that older+bribes is the way to go :).

Calgary said...

Cute pictures!! Your little guys are growing so fast.
Pictures are much easier when they can be bribed!
Here we have a place called Kiddie Kandids. They do a great job with little ones. I always got Shai's pictures done there. Can't wait to see the next post.