Monday, November 24, 2008


I haven't done anything blog worthy lately but wanted to post a cute picture-see them holding hands? We stayed in our jammies for way too long today. I am loving job sharing (although I haven't seen my paycheck yet). It gives me the best of both worlds-pjs with the boys some and a little out in the world time for myself!


Andrea said...

could they be any cuter??? honestly!!! Hey do you want to order any shoes (see my blog....) if you do let me know, they are free shipping on 3 pairs... and 15% off before thanksgiving.... that's tomorrow! If not, no biggie, just curious! :)

Holly said...

Their big eyes are so fetching! That's the thing I've always envied about twins...they are BFFs for life! And really, job sharing does seem ideal. Happy Thanksgiving Jocelyn!